
Welcome to Shop Local

We’ve designed Shop Local to help the community support local merchants all year long––making your business easier than ever to find.

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Grants and Opportunities for Your Small Business

Verizon Small Business Recovery Fund  Up to $10,000 grants for small businesses Grant Information and Eligibility Fill out the application here by Tuesday, February 9th at 11:59 pm ET). FAQ and Application Guidance available in multiple languages. Even if a business...

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The Blue Line Battle Begins

Trouble at the Statehouse A bill proposed at the statehouse could jeopardize $90 million of new investment in the West Washington Corridor. Here is a primer for what you need to know as the Blue Line fight begins. In 2016, Indianapolis voters passed a transit...

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Our New Website

Merchants West is proud to announce the development of a new website. Designed by 317 Studio, will launch in February and feature communication tools for our members. The site will also promote our local businesses to our community. Among the...

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Sign and Facade Grant

Improve the presence of your small business in the West Washington Corridor. The Facade and Property Improvement Program is a small business grant dedicated to making more prominent storefronts in Indianapolis. Available throughLISC, this 50% matching grant will...

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5 Practical Benefits of the Blue Line

With $90 million in new infrastructure, Indy Go is bound to bring new development to the West Washington Corridor. The Blue Line is the Indy Go route along West Washington between Cumberland and the Airport. The Blue Line will open our community to new opportunities...

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