Love Where You Are

This year’s Love Where You Are event saw a remarkable turnout, with nearly 30 organizations coming together for a spirited community cleanup across Wayne Township. Participants included Merchants West members such as Ben Davis Christian Church, McAllister Rental, Wayne Township Schools, Mt. Olive Ministry, and Carrier Corporation. Over the course of two days, more than 1000 volunteers dedicated their time and effort, collecting an impressive 9 tons of debris. This significant effort not only beautified the area but also strengthened community bonds.

Ryan Heathco, Lead Pastor of Ben Davis Christian Church and a key member of the Love Where You Are steering team, expressed immense gratitude to all participants. “This event truly showcased the spirit of our community,” Pastor Heathco remarked. “The incredible volume of volunteers and the amount of waste collected not only enhance the visual appeal of our township but also demonstrate the powerful impact of unity and cooperation. I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to every volunteer and organization that contributed. Your effort makes a real difference in making our community a cleaner, safer, and more welcoming place.”

The success of this year’s cleanup initiative stands as a testament to what can be achieved when the community comes together. The engagement of so many groups and individuals highlights a shared commitment to environmental stewardship and community pride that resonates deeply within Wayne Township.

Pastor Heathco and the entire steering team are encouraged by the enthusiasm and outcomes of this event and are already looking forward to future initiatives. “Seeing our community come together in such a powerful way inspires us all to continue this important work. Plans are underway to make next year’s event even bigger and better,” added Pastor Heathco.

As Love Where You Are continues to grow, the hope is to attract even more volunteers and organizations in the coming years, spreading the spirit of service and improving more areas throughout the township. Everyone’s continued support and participation will undoubtedly drive forward the mission of building a thriving westside community.